My best friend recently recommended that I read, Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected by Tania Luna and Leeann Renniger, PhD. At first, I thought, hmm, I am pretty good at surprise and finding interesting things in everyday, but okay, I'll try it. The design of the book is modern, attractive, cute. The idea is pretty intriguing. The best part, however, are the last two chapters: "Cultivate Relationships," and "Surprise Yourself." These ladies offer REAL advice in the form of specific exercises you can do to transform your day, your outlook, even, they boast, your world. The authors are surprisingly candid, sharing personal journeys from depression to joy and surprise, which validates their claims, and makes me, a real person, be able to connect to the ideas and suggestions they posit. "When we are surprised we feel deeply connected and thoroughly alive. Surprising ourselves every day is a vital p...