I am really glad I'm a week behind on blogging for class, actually. I read Gradmann's blog about our class blogs, and realized I had better do some more research to find out about these terms: FRBR, ontologies, semantic web, and the like. So in total, I actually read about 10 articles or websites to find enough info to read these! Metadata, the word and concept, was introduced to me in LIS 5033 with Drs. Martens and Kim, and I just found it hilariously nerdy (think Weird Al's White and Nerdy ). "Data about data," I believe was the definition given. Of course, after researching for 1.5 semesters, and especially after reading these articles by Gradmann and Mohamad, I understand and appreciate the importance of the study of data about data. What I found fascinating in Mohamad's report in the impact of metadata in web resources discovering is that with many search engines, tagging metadata doesn't make a big difference without knowing the algorithm that sear...